
Partner With Us

We welcome partners. Come partner with us if you are in the business to promote health and fitness lifestyles. Our well-designed, high-quality products, together with efficient customer support will ensure success.

Complete Health & Wellness Lifestyle Resource:

We provide complete health & wellness products that include both exercise equipment and cloud-based exercise tracking mobile application and web portal with full customer support.

Design Innovation:

Unlike most of the suppliers who source finished products from manufacturers and private label them, all of our product lines are our own patented designs that reflect quality, styling, and attractive price points.

Quality Priority:

Because we design our products inside out, all our engineered parts are designed to be standardized to increase efficiency and streamline manufacturing for quality control. As a result, our products have low defection rates, and we can provide responsive support when our customers experience any problems.

Competitive Pricing:

The combined purchasing power from our distribution in North America and internationally makes our prices competitive without compromising quality.

Brand Value:

Quality, reliability, affordability and responsive customer service make our brands successful and trusted investments in the health and wellness product market.